Japan Stainless Steel Demand to Rise after September

The supply and demand of Japanese stainless steel sheet is expected to be tight after September. The demand will increase by 2.3% to about 450,000 tonnes for July-September from April-June, according to Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry. Stainless plate demand is strong while sheet demand is weak. Japanese stainless sheet inventory rate decreased to 1.93 months of shipment at the end of June, which is closing to the decent level of 1.8 months. A large dealer source said the supply and demand becomes tight after the mid September, the seasonal demand season.

Japanese stainless sheet inventory kept flat at 245,000 tonnes at the end of June. However, it is certain that the inventory decreases in July thanks to the stop of order receipt by Japanese stainless steel makers.

The demand for stainless plate is increasing from large plant equipment, high-vacuum chamber for liquid crystal television and solar panel. Accepting order volume of Nippon Steel & Sumikin Stainless Steel reached highest from specific users in July.

Building condominium sales is slightly increasing recently when major house housing suppliers reduced selling price of condominiums by about 20% after May. The sales had decreased since last year. Stainless steel sheet demand may increase from interior and armoring material of building from autumn.

Stainless steel sheet import increased to 17,000 tonnes in June while decreased to 57,000 tonnes by 55% for January-July from the same period of last year.