Japan Primary Al Price Likely to Keep Flat for Jan-Mar

Domestic market price of primary aluminium ingot is likely to keep flat for January-March 2010 from the previous quarter in Japan. The price jumped by 40 yen per kilogram for October-December 2009 to reflect the upsurge of offshore primary aluminium market during June-September. Overseas market stayed relatively stable in September and October, though which is strengthening at present.

Domestic primary aluminium market price almost halved during January-June 2009, dropping by 100 yen per kg for January-March 2009 and by 90 yen for April-June. The current price is above 200 yen since commodity markets totally turned upward in the second half of 2009. The present overseas market is even strengthening.

In Japan, domestic demand for aluminium rolled products bottomed out. The demand is recovering especially from semiconductor and liquid crystal panel manufacturing equipment despite of slow movement in distributors’ shipment.