Weak Electric Wire Price in Tokyo

Electric wire market price is weak at 940-1,000 yen per meter for 3-core 600 volts triplex-type cross-linked polyethylene insulated vinyl sheathed cable (CVT) with 38 square meters of copper cross section and 31 yen for 2-core 600 volts vinyl insulated vinyl sheathed flat-type cable (VVF) with 1.6 mm diameter for sales to wholesalers around Tokyo.

Japanese official copper price stays high at over 700,000 yen per tonne. However, the electric wire price remains low when the dealers increased the purchase volume in September before the price increase. The dealers apparently keep the low price reselling price when they built low-priced inventory.

Electric wire makers try to increase the selling price to improve profitability under higher raw materials cost. However, the dealers would take more time to refill the inventory under slow construction demand.

The electric wire market price could increase gradually when copper price remains high. The market price depends on copper price under slow demand.