Japan Secondary Al Output Increases by 36.4% in June

Japanese secondary aluminium and aluminium alloy ingot output decreased by 12.7% to 61,854 tonnes in June from a year earlier, according to Japan Aluminium Alloy Refiners Association. The shipment decreased by 12.6% to 63,617 tonnes. The output and the shipment decreased for 4 months in a row. However, the output increased by 36.4% and the shipment increased by 37.8% from May. The demand is recovering from the bottom after the major earth quake.The secondary aluminium ingot and aluminium alloy ingot shipment represented year-on-year decrease for 3 months in a row through June for all industries. However, the shipment increased in June from May for all applications when the shipment increased for die casting, casting and can material in seasonal demand.Major secondary aluminium user car makers are increasing the operation rate month by month. The secondary aluminium and aluminium alloy ingot output and shipment would increase more in and after July.