Flat H-Beam Price in Tokyo

H-beam price is firm at 75,000 yen per tonne for base size with 200 x 100 millimeters width without freight around Tokyo. The price is slow to increase with slower demand in Tokyo even during the demand season nationwide. The price is expected to keep the level with pressure from higher cost price. H-beam sales volume increased by 10.9% to 40,333 tonnes in Tokyo in September from August, according to Japan Steel Products Dealers Association. The sales growth was higher than 2.6% in Osaka and 1.5% in Nagoya. The demand seems to increase in the demand season though the dealers still feel the demand is slow. The price, however, has no power to increase with the higher distributors’ inventory. The price is likely to keep the price until the demand will increase more and the supply cut by makers reduces the inventory more.