Rising Rebar Price in Tokyo

Concrete reinforcing steel bar price is raising tone at 63,000 yen per tonne for base size with 19 millimeters diameter at traders’ selling price to general contractors around Tokyo. Each local rebar markers increased their selling price by 3,000 yen to 65,000 yen for March order. The traders also try to increase the reselling price to over 65,000 yen per tonne. Keiichi Katsube, president of Kanto Steel, major thin-diameter rebar maker around Tokyo, said each maker’s profits are reducing due to higher price of ferrous scrap; they are forced to pass the material price hike on their selling price. General contractors are showing strong resistance against makers price hike. However, the possibility which general contractors accept makers’ price hike is increasing. Each maker’s shipping price was below at 60,000 yen per tonne. The price spread between makers’ shipping price and the material price is reducing. Major maker’s executive said rebar makers lose no time doing their products price hike. Each maker is requesting their price hike for general contractors.