Firm Rebar Price in Tokyo

Concrete reinforcing steel bar price is around 66,000 yen per tonne for base size with 19 millimeters diameter around Tokyo. The market expects rebar makers will increase the selling price to cover higher ferrous scrap cost. The distributors expect rebar makers will increase the selling price after a week long holiday in May under the firm demand around Tokyo. The demand is firm despite of slower demand for smaller distributors. A smaller distributor said the demand is slow for smaller lot order. However, rebar makers keep order backlog and keep firm selling stance toward demand season. Rebar makers and distributors pass the higher cost price aggressively lifting the market price. The smaller distributors increased the selling price to more than 70,000 yen per tonne for sales from their inventory. The supply is expected to keep tight when the users try to secure materials for major building projects. The market price is likely to increase in late April or early May.