Steel Makers’ Ferrous Scrap Purchasing Price to Decrease around Osaka

Ferrous scrap purchasing price by Japanese electric furnace makers decreased around Osaka. The price decreased to around 38,000-39,000 yen per tonne by 500 yen or 1% for H2 grade from recent higher price, which decreased in about 10 months. Each maker reduced the purchasing price due to stably purchase volume after Golden Week holidays.Nakayama Kogyo reduced the purchasing price by 500-1,000 yen, Kishiwada Steel reduced by 500 yen in Wednesday. Godo Steel decreased by 500 yen in Thursday.Hyundai Steel decreased offer price by 500 yen to Japanese ferrous scrap. Overseas ferrous scrap market price went into decreasing phase. Ferrous scrap market price around Tokyo is decreasing. Dealer source around Osaka said the market price may more decrease.