H-Beam Price is Strong around Tokyo

H-beam market price is strong at 79,000-80,000 yen per tonne for product with 200 by 100 millimeters width around Tokyo. Each dealer increased the selling price to over 80,000 yen from September. They are hurrying up the penetration of price hike including makers’ price hike in March and August. Dealers prospect additional price hike by makers in the last half of fiscal 2007 at the ended of March 2008. The market price is expected to fix at 80,000 yen per tonne and keep strong tone.Many dealers decreased the shipping in August from July due to Bon holiday in the middle of August. Dealer source said the shipping was same level as daily in August from June. Many dealers said the inventory didn’t change or slightly decreased in the ended of August compared with the ended of July. The supply is expected to decrease in near future. The supply and demand is expected to be tight. However, local dealers or steel frame processors said they fear credit risk for client. Dealer source said credit issue would be closed up in the future. Dealers must raise the selling price in credit risk.