Nippon Mining & Metals to Accelerate Bioleaching Development

Nippon Mining & Metals announced the firm expands the research and development activity for bioleaching of metal in Chile. Bio Sigma S.A., which is joint venture with Corporaci?n Nacional del Cobre de Chile (CODELCO), decided around US$ 17 million of investment plan for 2007-2010 for commercialization of the technology. Bio Sigma started the research of bioleaching in July 2002 and proved the technology through 2,500 tonnes pilot plant test in 2005-2007. The firm started operation test at Andina copper mine of CODELCO in February 2007. Bio Sigma tested lower grade sulfide copper ore, which cannot be treated in traditional smelting, with 50,000 tonnes class plant and succeeded to make electrolytic copper in May. Bio Sigma starts projects to accelerate the commercialization of the technology through the plan through 2010. The firm tries to contract with mines of CODELCO and Nippon Mining & Metals to introduce the technology for commercial operations. Bio Sigma also improves the basic research activity. The firm launches joint development activity with university and research institute to utilize results from microbiology, genomics and genetic engineering. Traditional electrolytic copper making process from copper ore is to smelt concentrate, which is enriched from crude ore, and electrorefine. Recently, the industry tries to utilize chemical method to extract copper from ore through chemical agent. Bio Sigma tries to commercialize the bioleaching, which can leach with microorganism faster than traditional method.