Nippon Kinzoku to Expand Deoxidizing Agent

Tokyo based major aluminium additive maker, Nippon Kinzoku completes the expansion of deoxidizing agent at Kimitsu plant by March. The firm replaced a melting furnace to expand the output capacity by 50% in January 2007. After replacement of dust collector by March 2008, the firm finishes the 400 million yen expansion to meet strong demand by steel makers. The firm introduced an open well furnace with 30 tonnes of capacity at Kimitsu plant compared with old 20 tonnes furnace. The plant operates at around 86% of the capacity to make monthly 1,300 tonnes of products compared with maximum 1,500 tonnes of capacity. The plant is working to replace 2 dust collectors with a collector to improve the capacity by 25%. The firm tries to meet higher demand when Nippon Steel’s Kimitsu works expands the output capacity. Nippon Kinzoku increases the deoxidizing agent output to 16,000 tonnes in 2008, which is 1.9 times higher than output in 2000.