Weak Plate Steel Price in Tokyo

Plate steel market price is decreasing at 120,000 yen per tonne for standard sized product with 19 millimeters thick, 5 feet width and 10 feet length and at around 140,000 yen for cut processed materials around Tokyo. The price is likely to decrease more after Tokyo Steel Manufacturing reduced the selling price by 10,000 yen to 70,000 yen for March order.

The dealers’ shipment decreases after the volume decreased by around 15% in January from December. The shipment decreases especially for construction machinery and some of the shearing processors’ operation decreases to 20% level.

The building demand is also very slow. The plate order to dealers for small- and mid-sized building is booked through March but the building demand is uncertain in and after April.

The dealers’ inventory increases especially for materials for cut process when the demand for cut processed materials is also very slow. The dealers try to reduce the inventory while they get high priced delivery from the makers. Some dealers try to get order at lower price to liquidate the inventory.